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Game of Thrones S05E05. Fewer... Stannis Baratheon - King of Westeros, Lord of Grammar.
Davos and Stannis correct the Grammar (Fewer/Less)
Stannis, the True Grammar King - Fewer
Stannis Baratheon: King of Westeros and Lord of Grammar!
Stannis Baratheon-Fewer
Game Of Thrones -- Grammar Lesson
Game of Thrones 5x05 Stannis Baratheon and Sam Keep reading, Samwell Tarly
Game of Thrones - Less or Fewer (Stannis)
Stannis Nods
Stannis the Grammar Nazi
"Let them die. Less enemies for us." Game of Thrones quote S05E05 Bowen Marsh
[GOT ] 7x04 reference to Stannis - Fewer (King of Grammar) - reloaded